2016 Best Seller Leadership Book Review

As 2016 comes to a close, it is a natural time to reflect on the past year. Our reflection can cover not only what we did and what we didn’t do in 2016, but also what we’ve consumed. The following list of organizational leadership books can be found on Amazon’s Best Seller list for Management and Leadership that I have read and highly recommend to you. Hopefully, you’ll find this list useful with its short summary and key takeaways from each book under the title.


Some of the books listed below were consumed through audiobook format using Audible. I listen to audiobooks to make use of my lengthy commute to work each day. Audible has a 30-day free trial that you can feel free to try.

Full transparency: I am an affiliate for Amazon, which means Developing Your Team receives a small commission if anyone purchases a book or audiobook through these links with no additional cost to you. Any earnings will be used to offset the costs of administering the Developing Your Team website. I only list products or services that are I personally use and highly recommend to others.

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath

  • Summary: This book aims to help you uncover your strengths and talents by providing you with an assessment (similar to Myers-Briggs or DISC). The book also provides actionable strategies to apply your strengths.
  • Key Takeaway: After reading this book and taking the Strength Finder’s test, I became more self-aware of my strengths and that of my direct reports. I started looking at projects and delegation through a different lens. My team and I found more passion in our work as we focused on things that we were good at and enjoyed doing. This isn’t to say that I was running away from my weaknesses, but found that there was a much better return on investment of time when applied to your natural strengths.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen Covey

  • Summary: This is a classic that has been around for 25 years and is still on Amazon’s bestseller list. The seven habits outlined in this book are a great start to living intentionally and effectively.
  • Key Takeaway: I re-read The 7 Habits again this year after first reading it almost 10 years ago. Reading this book provides great perspective into prioritization and interpersonal relations. Sharpening the Saw, Habit #7, is the habit that helps you put the 7 Habits into practice, the difference between knowing and doing.

Start with Why by Simon Synek

  • Summary: People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why. Their natural ability to start with why enabled them to inspire those around them and to achieve remarkable things.
  • Key Takeaway: Starting with the “Why” of a proposal or change helps put the rest of the dialogue into to context for the listener.

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

  • Summary: This book does not provide you with a magic formula on how to get more done in less time. This book helps you identify how to get the right things done.
  • Key Takeaway: Life seems to be extremely busy for most of us these days. Just ask anyone at work. This book helps you uncover what is truly important by helping the reader understand that life is a series of choices. Yes to one thing may mean you are saying no to something or someone else. A future post will speak to this idea.

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

  • Summary: The authors are two Navy SEALs who share military leadership concepts crucial in combat and how to apply them to any group, team, or organization.
  • Key Takeaway: This book is not a typical Navy SEAL war story. The book does challenge the reader to take ownership in all circumstances and results. This is easier said than done as we sometimes let ourselves off the hook. Each chapter provides scenarios and tips for practical application for those outside the military.

Book In My Reading Queue

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

  • Summary: Though I haven’t read this one yet, the author explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman reveals where we can and can’t trust our intuitions.

Now that Christmas Day has passed, why not get something for yourself that will improve your perspective for 2017?


Question: What leadership book have you read that you recommend for others?


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Counseling Packets to Mentor Your Employees

The last two posts covered how to improve employee performance using counseling and how to deal with problem employees. Both of these posts discussed counseling your employees. This post will cover the benefits of maintaining a counseling packet on each employee as well as what specifically goes into counseling packets.

Counseling packets



The purpose in keeping a counseling packet is to have a written record of what your employees have achieved, what they should be focused on, and what they want to do in the future. A counseling packet gives you a place to consolidate written records of your employees’ counseling sessions, which outline performance. You can also maintain other pertinent data, which gives you a more holistic picture of your employee all in one place.


Maintaining a counseling packet offers you several benefits:

  • Determine Whether Goals were Achieved. The packet gives you the ability to see whether your employee has met goals identified for the quarter.
  • Identify Trends. It also allows you to look back at quarterly performance counseling sessions to see trends over time.
  • Evaluations Made Easier. Counseling packets also make writing annual evaluations much simpler as you have a written record of the employee’s performance over the year. Counseling packets make it easier and more accurate to write annual evaluations. They allow you to use quarterly counseling sessions as a guide to writing the evaluation. This is much easier than trying to remember what your employee has accomplished over the last year.

Components of Counseling Packets 

I typically use a 6-sided folder for maintaining various documents in the employee’s counseling packet. Each side of the folder constitutes the sections outlined below:

Personal info sheet

This includes information on their family members, degrees held, and other special skills, like foreign languages, that are unique to this employee.

Employee Snapshot

This section can include the employee’s Resume, Curriculum Vitae (CV), or Record Brief (ERB/ORB) depending on your profession. The purpose of this is to keep in mind the employee’s previous experience, certifications, and publications. Though these other experiences and certifications may not be pertinent to the employee’s current position, it helps to understand your employee in a more holistic manner. This can help you identify the best employee for a specific project or help you guide them into positions beyond

Counseling Statements

I keep the employee’s counseling sessions in one section in reverse chronological order. The initial counseling that lays out roles, responsibilities and expectations are located at the bottom. A record of each subsequent counseling session is placed on top of the previous session. This applies to both, performance and event counseling.


Copies of the employee’s previous evaluations (that I have given) are maintained in the next session. I also keep a working copy of the employee’s next evaluation on top of this section. This is where I will pencil in achievements that are not captured in quarterly counseling sessions.

Developmental Action Plan

This is a document in which the employee outlines professional, personal, and financial goals over the next five years. This document is more for the employee than it is for the supervisor. This is especially helpful for young employees as a way to identify goals over time and forces them to be intentional about setting goals and taking an active role in managing their own careers.

Career Timeline (Military)

In most military specialties, there are certain milestones in one’s career. As a result, most branches of the military have a sample career timeline, which can help identify future opportunities to take key, developmental, or broadening assignments. Understanding one’s career timeline allows your employee to backward plan their career based on where they want to be at the pinnacle of their career.


Maintaining a counseling packet on your employees, not only helps you to organize information and write annual evaluations, but more importantly, the packet helps you understand your employees’ experiences, goals, and desires. Understanding your employees at a deeper level enables you to guide them to opportunities in their career. Using this technique can help you to develop long-term mentoring relationships with your employees.


Question: What method have you found effective in coaching or mentoring your employees?


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How to Deal with a Problem Employee

Do you have a problem employee that seems to be underperforming in their responsibilities? If one of your team members is not meeting your expectations, this article can help you with practical steps to address the situation. Direct communication is key. 

Problem Employee

Problem Employee

A few years ago I was handed a problem employee as soon as I joined an organization. My boss did not give me much background information on this particular employee, whom we’ll refer to as “Bill” in this article. My boss simply stated that the employee had to have a change in supervisors based on a personality conflict. 

Red Flags

As I looked into this employee’s file, three red flags stood out immediately: 

  1. I was Bill’s fifth supervisor over the past two years. This employee did not change positions and held the same job that he had entered the organization with several years before.
  2. Bill was written up for yelling at his previous supervisor
  3. There were some time card discrepancies in the past. However, this in itself was not remarkable when combined with other issues that showed a pattern of misconduct.

There were no real consequences in response to these problems. These incidents were documented in memorandums, but no action was taken, which seemed odd. It was clear that my boss wanted Bill to have a fresh start. I also wanted to give every employee a fair chance. 

Although I have a military background, I managed more civilian employees than military members at this particular assignment. 

Open Mind

Despite these red flags, I wanted to keep an open mind. I did not want to make any premature judgments before I worked with a member of the team that I was now responsible for. Given the revolving door of supervisors, I didn’t rule out that poor management could be part of the problem. While yelling at one’s boss is not a preferred technique, I understood that personality conflicts do arise at times and an argument can break out if tensions are high. Lastly, the time card incident could have been an honest mistake. 

True Colors

It wasn’t long before I witnessed Bill exhibit performance and misconduct issues. Bill wasn’t getting assignments done on time, and sometimes never completed them. Simple tasks were blown off. Excuses were readily made for why things weren’t getting done. 

Furthermore, Bill demonstrated poor customer service. His immediate response to any service request was that it couldn’t get done anytime soon, if at all. Bill claimed he was constrained in doing his job properly due to regulations from our parent organization. 

Systematic Approach

I took a systematic approach to providing feedback for both conduct and performance issues.  Issues that fall under the Performance category are those that involve the satisfactory performance of one’s job (e.g. failing to meet deadlines). Issues that fall under Misconduct are those that have to do with behavior and conduct at work and are not necessarily related to the quality of performing one’s responsibilities (e.g. falsifying time cards). 

Below are steps that can help guide you when dealing with problem employees.

  • Making expectations clear
  • Documenting issues and providing regular feedback
  • Assessing Improvement
  • Following through

Ensure expectations are clear

First, I held an initial counseling session with Bill to lay out expectations for performance and behavior. 

In order for an employee to meet your expectations, they must be aware of them in the first place. People are not mind-readers, so it is imperative to outline expectations clearly at the outset of an employee assuming a new position. I recommend doing this in writing, even if responsibilities are included in the employee’s contract. Don’t assume that an employee will understand expectations based on responsibilities listed in their contract. The point is to have an intentional conversation with your team member. 

Regular Feedback and Documentation

It was clear that Bill needed consistent feedback in the form of counseling sessions, as outlined in a previous article. I provided Bill with immediate written feedback following any misconduct. 

Although I typically conduct performance counseling with most employees on a quarterly basis, it was clear that Bill needed feedback more frequently. After my first three months as Bill’s supervisor, we started having monthly performance counseling sessions. These sessions were always face-to-face and also documented in writing. Bill was given a copy of the session summary to follow along during our discussions and to keep for reference. 

Our sessions followed a consistent format:

  • Outlined how Bill was not meeting the expectations outlined in his initial counseling session. 
  • Provided Bill with some advice on how to improve his performance.
  • Concluded each session with areas that Bill needed to focus on.

Adjust the Plan

It was evident that Bill had problems keeping tabs on multiple tasks or projects simultaneously. He also had problems with prioritizing tasks. I ensured that I was communicating priorities clearly before looking at my employee for fault. I did this both verbally and in his monthly counseling sessions. 

In order to help Bill with juggling multiple items, I provided one or two projects to be completed each week over the next month. This method was aimed at helping Bill break tasks down into manageable pieces. While this can be seen as micromanagement, it was an honest attempt to ensure clear communication and help an employee prioritize his work. Once Bill got the hang of prioritizing his work, we would meet less often. 

At no point did I ever do Bill’s job for him. This wasn’t really possible due to the technical nature of his position. Nevertheless, if a leader is performing their employee’s job, then the leader is not focusing on doing his/her own job. 

Assess Improvement

Although there was a brief period of improved performance, after six months it was clear that Bill’s performance was not improving over the long-term. This was documented in Bill’s mid-year performance review. This is when Bill was placed on a Performance Improvement Plan. The performance improvement plan was really just a summary of previous counseling sessions. It outlined where Bill wasn’t meeting expectations. It also provided steps to meet expectations and advice on how to excel in the position. 


Aside from his poor work performance, Bill’s misconduct issues continued. Bill’s misconduct reflected the red flags identified at the outset of our relationship. These were dealt with immediately and systematically. I took several steps to effectively respond to Bill’s persistent misconduct:

  • Written Warning – a first step to identify that misconduct is unacceptable.
  • Official Written Reprimand – a next step to show that misconduct has consequences.
  • Suspension – if misconduct continues, a temporary suspension of work is required.
  • Termination – if an employee shows no sign of adjusting their behavior, termination might be necessary.

As Bill’s misconduct persisted, the level of action was elevated until Bill was eventually terminated.

You will have to check with your Human Resources department and/or lawyers to see if these steps are appropriate for your organization.

As described above, misconduct issues are separate from performance issues. However, many problem employees seem to have issues in both categories. Frankly, it is easier and faster to terminate an employee based on continued misconduct. That’s not to say that we immediately sought to terminate Bill. I personally invested a lot of time in trying to help Bill improve his performance. 

Follow Through 

Once you establish expectations, it is imperative that you follow through on them. If your employee’s performance is lacking, then setting priorities and deadlines may be appropriate. Deadlines may need to be set on a more frequent basis (e.g. weekly). If your employee misses a deadline, it is important to follow through by recognizing it first, then providing a consequence.

If Bill’s performance improved and he demonstrated an ability to operate within established expectations, we would have held counseling sessions less frequently. Despite Bill’s lack of long-term improvement, this method has garnered positive results with other employees.

Bill’s situation provides a story that allows the article to address the full range of options for both performance and misconduct. It also highlights that employees’ decisions play a large role in the outcome.  You gain an employee’s attention when you confront them and make it clear that their performance or conduct is not acceptable.  It is then up to an employee to work within expectations, or continue down the wrong road.


Dealing with problem employees can be time-consuming, but is a necessary undertaking for both the employee and the organization. Making expectations clear, providing regular feedback, assessing improvement, and following through are the keys to improving performance.  Misconduct issues should be dealt with separately but swiftly, as lack of action equates to tacit acceptance. No one likes to deal with problem employees.  The good news is that problem employee can choose to change.  It is up to management to make standards and expectations clear and uphold them.  


Question: What steps have you found to be effective in dealing with problem employees?

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Counseling Sessions to Improve Employee Performance

As Ken Blanchard outlines in his book, One Minute Manager, “working without feedback is like playing golf at night.” How would you know whether you are doing well, or performing poorly if you can’t tell whether you hit the ball in the right direction? Counseling your employees is key to providing feedback on whether they are on track.

Holding recurring counseling sessions with your employees allows for a venue that provides feedback to your employees. Counseling sessions force you to carve out dedicated time to discuss the employee’s performance, both the organization’s and employee’s goals, and discuss a plan to attain those goals. Providing feedback to your employees will let them know where they are hitting the mark and where they need to make adjustments.

Counseling Parameters

  • Counseling should be specific. Whether you are commending an employee’s performance or identifying an area for improvement, it is preferable to use specific examples in your feedback. Speaking in broad terms makes the conversation abstract and theoretical. Generalities won’t connect with your employees. Specific examples tend to make the conversation more concrete.
  • Stick to the Facts. Avoid inserting your opinion or adding conjecture to counseling sessions. Sticking to the facts tends to keep the conversation more objectively and removes emotion form the conversation. Emotion and speculation are not your friends when providing feedback in counseling.
  • In Private. Counseling sessions should be done in a private area, away form distraction, and others. Information discussed in the counseling session should be kept in confidence as well. If it comes to light that you are making information discussed in counseling sessions public, you will erode the trust that your employees have in you. When kept in confidence, counseling is a tool that increases trust between boss and employee.
  • Done in Writing. I highly recommend putting counseling sessions in writing prior to the actual session. The counseling session should be a conversation between both parties, but the written document can serve as a guide to the conversation. Putting a counseling statement in writing also provides a sense of formality, which the employee and supervisor will take more seriously.
  • Signatures. I also encourage both parties to sign the document. Signing the document not only maintains a sense of formality but also instills employee ownership.
  • Care. The most important factor in counseling is empathy. Care for your employees. We must not only care about their performance and behavior in the workplace but also care about their goals and overall well-being. Your employees will be able to tell immediately if you are not genuine.

Types of Counseling

Counseling sessions are typically placed into one of two categories; formal and informal counseling. Informal counseling is defined as impromptu or opportunity sessions that involve advice or coaching. Formal counseling, on the other hand, is a more deliberate discussion that is well thought out, prepared, scheduled ahead of time, and done in writing.

Informal Counseling

Informal counseling is nothing more than having a discussion with your direct reports on their development or their future with the organization. This form of counseling is generally a target of opportunity, however, the conversational should be intentional. This can be a 15- minute conversation over coffee or on the ramp of a Stryker vehicle over an MRE (field ration).

Types of Formal Counseling

I tend to categorize formal counseling into three categories:

  • Initial Counseling
  • Performance Counseling
  • Event Counseling

Initial Counseling to Establish Clear Expectations

Initial counseling is a venue to make expectations of the job clear. In order for an employee to meet your expectations, they must be aware of them in the first place. People are not mind readers. Therefore, it is imperative to outline expectations clearly at the outset of an employee assuming a new position. I recommend doing this in writing, even if responsibilities are outlined in the employee’s contract. Don’t assume that an employee will understand expectations based on responsibilities listed in a contract. The point is to have an intentional conversation with your team member. I typically cover three areas in initial counseling:

  1. Expectations for Performance. This section lays out roles, responsibilities, and expectations associated with each.
  1. Expectations for Administrative Matters. This section covers expectations administrative paperwork or additional duties, which are not generally part of the usual day-to-day focus.
  1. Goals and Career Advancement. This is where we discuss the employee’s goals, both professional and personal. Supervisors can make recommendations on how to achieve professional goals during the counseling session. Furthermore, the supervisor can help by advocating for his/her employee with his/her own boss.

Performance Counseling 

Performance counseling focuses on how the employee has performed over a given period of time. I generally conduct performance counseling on a quarterly basis. Any longer than 3 months makes it difficult for either party to recall events with clarity and accuracy.

Sustains. This section typically identifies 2-3 areas in which the employee has performed extremely well or attributes that are the employee’s strengths. I try to outline specific examples to make the discussion concrete.

Improves. This section highlights 1-2 areas in which the employee could use improvement.

Questions to Guide Self-Discovery

My former Brigade Commander used a great technique in covering an employee’s areas that needed improvement. Instead of telling people his observations, he merely asked the employee to identify and discuss areas that they saw in themselves that needed improvement.

This technique is much more effective, as the individual self-actualizes their weaknesses. Areas that need improvement are more likely to be acted upon when an individual goes through a process of self-actualization.

Future Focus. This section provides areas for the employee to focus on in the near term (1-3 months). This section also addresses the employee’s next step in his/her career, with advice on how to get there.

Event Counseling 

Event Counseling revolves around a single incidence or event. This type of counseling can be either positive or negative, but not both. While event counseling can revolve around a positive event, I tend to use it as a tool to identify and correct unacceptable behavior. I personally use the organization’s award system to recognize positive outstanding performance. Conduct event counseling as soon as possible after the incident.


Regardless of the type of counseling used, the main point is to have a recurring dialogue with your employees in order to provide them with feedback. Feedback for employees is critical to improving or validating performance. Most employees are craving for feedback on how they are doing. Recurring dialogue with your employees builds trust, especially if you care for them regardless if they are one of your star performers or not.

Question: What counseling tips do you have for others?

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4 Ways to Fit Leader Development Into Your Busy Schedule

Have you ever found yourself struggling to find time in the week to conduct Leader Development sessions?

Development during a Foot March

You know leader development is important and want to do it, but you simply can’t find the time. How on Earth are you going to fit something else into a calendar that is already over full? This article will show you how to incorporate development sessions into your schedule without adding to your busy schedule.

Always Out of Time

As a field grade officer in a battalion (500-800 person unit), I found myself drowning in to do lists and unfinished tasks that had to get done. There was no shortage of things to do and not nearly enough time to do them without burning out our Soldiers or neglecting my family. I was already eating breakfast and lunch at my desk and was home late for dinner on most occasions.

We didn’t have the time to get all the things we needed to get done, let alone stop what we were doing in order to teach people how to do their jobs. I knew that our organization could get more done together if we just had the requisite knowledge. Our unit seemed to be moving too fast and doing too much to add anything else to the calendar.

Incorporate Development into Your Existing Routine

My calendar was full of back-to-back meetings. I decided to look for opportunities to incorporate development sessions within the routine events that were already occurring throughout the week. This would allow me to kill two birds with one stone. I started with Physical Training and expanded from there. Below are three easy ways to incorporate leader development into your calendar without cramming more events into a jam-packed schedule.

4 Simple Methods

  • Physical Training (PT): You are (or should be) conducting PT daily anyway. So why not incorporate a leader development session during PT? We picked Wednesdays, which was the day we did foot marches (think backpacking).   Walking a few miles with a rucksack (back pack) was an activity allowed us to work out while being able to hold a conversation at the same time. Key is preparation and knowing the topic as you won’t have Power Point to use as a crutch.
  • Meals: Chances are that you eat meals while at work on a daily basis. Most people do. Instead of eating at your desk while checking email, you can take the opportunity to eat breakfast or lunch at the dining facility with your team. Going over leader development over a meal is an easy way to build cohesion with your people.  This will have the additional benefit of not eating meals too quickly, which is better for your health.
  • Over Coffee: Many people drink coffee in the morning at work. Next time you go to the coffee maker, instead of BSing with your team about last night’s game, you can take 15 minutes to review a concept or review the points of an article you shared.
  • Close Out Formation: Drew Steadman ‘s article at The Military Leader also shares various ways to use close out formations as a venue for professional development. These ideas include having seasoned combat leaders share a story or having a guest speaker talk among others.


At first glance it may seem difficult to add leader development sessions into an already full calendar. If you look closely at your busy schedule, you can probably find some opportunities to develop your team by incorporating development into other activities. When you take advantage of those opportunities, you will be glad you did. Investing in your team always pays great dividends.


Question: In what ways do you fit leader development into your schedule?


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How to Run a Meeting that Achieves Results (and doesn’t suck)

Have you ever sat through a meeting that didn’t seem to follow any specific agenda nor really accomplish anything? Or sat in a long meeting that discussed various topics, but by the end of it, no one had a good idea if a decision was truly made?


I’ve sat in my fair share of terrible meetings and have undoubtedly run meetings that were equally bad. A few years ago, I got involved with a Readiness meeting, which covered just about every topic under the sun. The meeting lasted over two hours due to the sheer breadth of topics we tried to cover in one meeting. The topics ranged from personnel actions, awards, evaluations, physical security, investigations, certification statistics, logistics, communication, maintenance and medical issues. It was terrible.

Nothing seemed to get accomplished in the meeting. The same issues were discussed week after week with no resolution. The really bad news was that I was in charge of the meeting. On the flipside, the good news was that since I was in charge of the meeting, I could do something about it. Instead of tweaking the current meeting, we decided to revamp the entire thing.

What makes most meetings suck?

The following reasons were taken from a survey of readers and highlight the usual suspects:

  • Meetings with no agenda. These meetings tend to meander aimlessly from topic to topic.
  • Having too many meetings. These allow for no work to be done during the workday.
  • Meetings that try to cover too many topics. These meetings tend to be marathon sessions, by the end of which all participants’ eyes are glazed over and mentally smoked.
  • Lack decisions. Some meetings turn into long conversations about nothing that will surely be repeated since no decision was made.
  • Meetings being run by a leader who can’t keep the conversation on track.
  • Or my personal favorite is the meeting that is really a series of updates from various individuals that could have been more effectively accomplished in an email, on a project list, or separate one-on-one meetings. This is much worse when there are 30 people in the meeting.

Lack of focus, lack of clear decisions, and lack of accountability are key factors to poor meetings. This article will show you how to add focus, clarity, and accountability to your meeting that will achieve results.

Guidelines to Achieve Results

If your meetings follow the guidelines below, you can avoid being guilty of holding terrible meetings. Good meetings require intentionality and preparation in order to be effective.


  • Determine the purpose of meeting first.
    • Why are we bringing everyone together?
    • What are the objectives?
  • Once the purpose of the meeting is known you can develop the agenda.


  • The agenda provides focus to the meeting.
  • The agenda should be published prior to the meeting in order to ensure people are prepared.


  • If topics are brought up that are not on the agenda, anyone in the meeting, regardless of rank or position, had the duty to call it out as an accountability tool to keep the meeting on track. Once called out, that topic will have to be discussed in another venue or time.
  • Sometimes we need to use meetings as a forum for public accountability. This isn’t meant to use meetings to embarrass people or throw them under a bus in public. In order to understand the root cause of an issue, you sometimes need to get different sides of the story at the same time from all participants to avoid chasing your tail. Meetings can be used as a forum for public accountability.


  • Send out a reminder a couple days out before the meeting. The reminder should include the purpose of meeting and agenda.
  • If people aren’t aware of the meeting’s purpose, are caught off guard, or aren’t armed with the agenda, then you might end up repeating the same conversations in meeting after meeting.

During the Meeting

  • Take notes during the meeting that include:
    • Key Highlights
    • Decisions made
    • Due-outs – Ensure that a date is established for each deadline. If no deadline is assigned, then plan on the deadline being the next scheduled meeting.
  • Review decisions made and due outs (with deadlines) at the end of the meeting to ensure everyone has clarity.

After the Meeting

Send out notes within 15 minutes of the meeting’s conclusion that include decisions made and deadlines.


Once we followed the steps above, we quickly noticed that our meetings started to mean something and things were getting done. People understood the purpose of the meeting, we kept ourselves accountable to each other and focused on the agenda. Our meetings were noticeably achieving results and we found ourselves making progress instead of rehashing old business. It’s amazing what results a meeting can achieve with a little focus, clarity, and accountability.


Question: How have you made your meetings more effective?


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Leadership Lessons from Game 7 of the 2016 World Series

Cubs Finally Win

After seeing the Cubs lose year after year and decade after decade since I was a kid, watching the Cubs in the World Series this year was a once in a lifetime experience. Hopefully it’s a first in a lifetime experience. While I had another article ready this week, Game 7 of the World Series inspired me to write this post to share some leadership lessons observed this week.


Though the Cubs were strong all year, they looked a little shaky in the playoffs. They looked like they were going to lose it in the World Series when they were down 3 games to 1, being one game away form losing it all. Game 7 was the most exciting baseball game I’ve seen in my life.

Game 7 of the World Series seemed to be a microcosm of life as a Cubs fan. The game had our hopes up high early with a 5-1 lead, which was followed by lost hope late in the game when the Indians tied the game in the bottom of the 8th. Most of the Cubs’ baseball seasons start of with winning games, which gives us high hope. The Cubs tend to do worse after the All-Star break and usually end up struggling to maintain a .500 record (50%) wins.

Then Game 7 ended with a pleasant surprise. After the 9th inning, the game was interrupted by a short rain delay. The delay seemed to last forever and played havoc on our nerves. All kinds of doubt entered my mind. Once the game resumed, the Cubs scored two runs in the top of the 10th inning. If the Cubs could keep the Indians from scoring they would break the 108-year streak of not having won a World Series and finally put the curse of the Billy Goat to rest.

The Cubs got the first two batters out and I was at the edge of my seat. The Indians got a man on base which was followed by a double and scored a run. My heart sank at that point. The Cubs had allowed many runs in the series with two outs. As fate would have it, this story would have a different ending as the Cubs got the final out to win the World Series. Finally!

There are a few leadership lessons that we can pull from this game:

3 Lessons in Leadership

  • Never give up. The Indians had momentum on their side going into extra innings as they had scored the last 3 runs late in the game. The Cubs could have let the narrative of “being losers” play out, but instead they kept the fight going.
  • Find value in all members of your team. Despite playing well in the outfield, Jason Heyward had a terrible batting average in the playoffs. During the World Series I wondered why the Cubs kept him on the starting roster. During Game 7, a friend and I texted each other that Heyward “needed to step up.” Heyward stepped up in a way that no one knew about until after the game. He impacted the team off the field in a way that was greater than any contribution possible on the field. During the rain delay, the team’s spirits were low. The Cubs’ pitcher, A Chapman, was in tears. Heyward pulled the team together in the weight room for a talk that not only unified the team, but also motivated them to give 100% and have fun.  Heyward is quoted as telling the team, “We play like the score is nothing-nothing[1]. We’ve got to stay positive and fight for your brothers. Stick together and we’re going to win this game.”  Each Cubs player interviewed after the game attributed Jason Heyward’s demonstration of leadership and inspirational talk as a key factor in winning Game 7.
  • Develop your team. Theo Epstein, the Cubs’ President of Operations, signed on with Chicago in 2011. One of his first priorities was to create a player development program called the “Cubs Way.”[2] This program was critical to Epstein’s rebuilding of the team over the last five years and contributed to the team becoming World Series champions.


The Cubs won the World Series with arguably their best season in team history. They won not only because they have talented individuals, but also because they invested in their players. They didn’t quit and pulled together when the chips were down. When you combine these critical pieces, you have a recipe to winning, which can overcome a 108-year drought and even the curse of the goat.

For further reading see Michael Hyatt’s post. Funny enough, he published an article on this topic while I was writing this one, however his insights take a different approach.

Question: What leadership lessons have you observed in this year’s World Series? Leave a comment below.

[1] Verducci, Tom. “Reign Men: The storm, the speech and the inside story of the Cubs’ Game 7 triumph.” Sports Illustrated. 3 November 2016.

[2] Gregory, Sean. “How the Chicago Cubs Made World Series History.” Time. 3 November 2016.


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Developing your people or developing organizational processes?

Which is wiser to invest your limited time in?

As leaders, we have to make the most use out of our finite time available. At some point we are faced with a decision of whether to prioritize investing that limited time in developing our people versus investing it in developing processes for our organization. This article will shed insight into these two approaches and help you determine which one will work best to improve your organization.

Developing a Fool-proof system

As a battalion operations officer, I remember investing a lot of time and energy into developing and implementing a training management process to improve our organization. I worked closely with my team to nail down a fool-proof system. It only took one week to create, gain approval for, and communicate the process. It took eight weeks to implement and gain organizational alignment with the new process before it became second nature.

Once we had the process going though, we noticed an improvement in our planning, communication, and execution of training events. Things were going great for a few months. My two assistant operations officers had a smooth transition between current and future operations. The process would surely help us through an upcoming period of transition in which both of my assistant operations officers and I would change jobs. All of us would stay in the same battalion, but would move to different positions. I would stay in the battalion headquarters as the Executive Officer, but would be gone for a few weeks to undergo physical rehabilitation following a near-fatal parachuting accident I had a few months earlier. My two assistant operations officers would assume command of two of our companies (subordinate units).

When I returned to the office in my new role, both of the assistant operations officers that implemented the training management process had already moved to new positions. While the three of us were still in the battalion, our new positions took our focus into different areas.  I soon noticed that in just under a month the process we had built was already starting to unravel.

Developing the Team

After seeing how fragile and temporary processes can be, I decided to change focus to developing our people. While we still developed processes, we focused less on the structure of the process and focused more on developing our people who could in turn develop processes for their organizations.

I started holding weekly leader development sessions for my counterparts at our subordinate units (Company Executive Officers). After a few short weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in the company executive officers’ ability to get their units moving in the same direction. I also noticed that amount the influence they had in their companies was increasing as well.

Wanting to further capitalize on progress made with the company executive officers, I also started weekly professional development sessions with the staff. Just as with the executive officers, I noticed that in a short time, the staff started to mature in their roles.  They needed less guidance and solved problems on their own without my assistance.

We improved our performance in key areas and fixed some systemic flaws. This time, though, the change lasted much longer. The lasted not only through my tenure as the Battalion Executive Officer, but remained beyond my time in the unit. Six months after I had left the organization, one of the company commanders approached me to let me know that the unit was continuing to improve and many of the processes were still in place.

Different Approaches Garner Different Results

Why did one approach (focus on developing processes) only last a few weeks, while the other approach (focus on developing people) last much longer? The impact from developing processes are temporary, while developing people leads to long-term results. The reasons below outline why and can potentially help you and your organization make lasting and impactful change.

  • Processes have a temporary shelf life. Processes require people to make them work. If your people don’t have buy-in or aren’t educated on the system, the system will go by the way side. When the people leave, the process is at risk of dying.
  • Conversely, investing time and energy into your people can last a lifetime. People will take lessons learned and carry them for the remainder of their career.
  • Developing your people enables and empowers them to be the ones to create processes for their current or future organization. Educating people improves their knowledge, which in turn improves their confidence. Increased knowledge confidence combined with the right culture leads to ownership.
  • Ownership. The training management process we put in place was more my plan than it was the team’s plan. If I had given autonomy to my subordinates to create and implement a plan, it would’ve had a better chance at surviving in the long term. Dan Pink’s book Drive speaks to this idea.
  • The development sessions allowed us to spend more meaningful time together. This not only built trust within the group, but also allowed us to get to know each other at a deeper level. Spending time with your team allows you to understand your team better. You learn their strengths and weaknesses and gain better perspective in how to guide them through challenges.


While it is important to spend time in both, developing your people and developing organizational processes, you will likely find that you will get more return on your investment in developing your team. Developing your people increases trust, builds their confidence, and empowers your team to reach the next level. The results can last beyond your tenure and may last a lifetime.

You’re opinion is wanted. Please comment on the following question below.

Question for readers:

  • Which approach have you found to be more effective?
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Business Rules to Improve Communication in Your Staff

Does the staff from your higher headquarters seem to exist to simply put demands on your organization with little meaningful communication? I felt that our higher headquarters crushed us with demands when I was on a battalion staff. As a matter of fact, we in turn did the same thing to our subordinate units.


A couple years ago, as an Executive Officer, I noticed that our staff seemed content to simply pass on emails with little to no analysis. Emails flew back and forth with no real meaning.  We also pushed too many demands on our subordinate units without thought to the repercussions.

The staff members largely consisted of Lieutenants, junior members of the military with less than 4 years of experience. These officers did not intend to cause anyone any more work.  They were simply unaccustomed to another way of business as they were only following the model of what they had seen before them.

Realizing that our staff just needed some direction, we held a Leader Professional Development session for 30 minutes to outline the issue, issue guidance, and provide some concrete examples of methods to improve communication and outline processes. Laying out how the staff was unintentionally affecting the greater organization was critical in understanding “why” we needed to modify our processes. Given that context, our people delving into examples of best practices made more sense.

The info below is the set of business rules for a battalion level staff that we adopted in an attempt to change the culture within the organization. We needed to change from simply relaying information to higher headquarters to a staff that analyzed information, made recommendations to our commander, and most importantly, serve our subordinate units.

Staff Business Rules

The staff primarily serves three purposes:

  1. Inform the commander to make decisions
  2. Serve our subordinate units’
  3. “Feed the machine” – meaning provide information requirements to our higher HQ


The staff should develop and maintain a “culture of service” or “customer service” attitude. The staff serves its subordinate units, not the other way around. This may sometimes get confusing, because as a higher headquarters, we at times need to demand information from subordinate units in order to facilitate higher level operations. We must never act nor communicate in a way that implies that our subordinate troops’ sole purpose in life is to feed us our information demands. I understand that our higher headquarters demands a lot of information from us and many times we are simply relaying this to the to our subordinate organizations, however, we need to avoid the mental trap that our subordinate organization’s priority effort is to get us that information. Our subordinate units’ priority effort will always be to prepare for war.


We currently rely on email way to much. I am guilty of this as well. This document serves as written guidance for future reference. The priorities of communication modes are:

  1. Face-to-face,
  2. Phone call,
  3. Email

We need to use face-to-face communication and phone calls more often. Email should be used to follow up conversations with facts or in the event people are not available. Email is quick, convenient for the staff, and allows us the ability to communicate to a large group in an asynchronous manner.   As easy as email is to send, it is also easy to ignore. Take the Weekly Operations Orders for example. Not many people read them. If an information requirement is truly important, then walk to brigade or to the companies and go talk to someone in person. Solely sending it in an email sends a message that it is not important or it is a low priority. Make the effort to talk to someone and you will see a difference in your ability to get results.


The Battalion short-range Outlook calendar should provide situational awareness on meetings, training events, and other operations such as taskings. This calendar should have events and information updated at least two to four weeks out. Information accuracy will decrease the further out the event is as details may not yet be fully fleshed out. Everyone on the staff as well as Company CDRs/1SGs/XOs should be able to add calendar events to the calendar. When an event is added to the calendar it must contain the 5 Ws, the point of contact, and any pertinent attachments. For example:

Who: BN Staff Primaries and NCOICs

What: Participate in OIP LPD given by the IG Office

Where: BN Classroom

Why: Ensure all administrative systems fall within the Army and Division standards and fix any shortcomings.

POC: LT Smith


In addition to the areas addressed above, we developed business rules for our meetings and email correspondence, which I will include in future posts.  Michael Hyatt has interesting an article on email etiquette as well.

After implementing the above business rules, we noticed that our communication improved within the organization. Additionally, adopting a customer service attitude instilled a sense of ownership, which translated into improved analysis and problem solving within our team. Hopefully this can be of use to you in the future.


  • What staff guidelines or business rules suggestions do you have ?

Please leave a comment with suggestions for other Staff guidelines that have worked for you.

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How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed Due to Task-Saturation

5 Steps to Break the Cycle

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and task-saturated by the sheer volume of information and to-do items at work? Does your organization seem to struggle to make headway in any single direction? If so, this article can help you fight through being overwhelmed by focusing on what is important.


Overwhelmed individuals and teams

Upon taking on an Executive Officer position of a battalion (500-800 people), I immediately felt overwhelmed. It was immediately clear that the unit was in a perpetual struggle to try to keep its head above water. We were constantly reacting to daily emergencies and seemed to be running in several different directions simultaneously. At first we tried to put in more hours to stay ahead of the work. During my first week on the job, I noticed soldiers starting to lay out equipment at 6pm! They would not be going home for at least a couple more hours.  It felt like we were losing ground each day.  Something had to change.

Lots of Activity with Little Progress

As an organization, we had some significant problems in many different areas ranging from administrative actions, logistics and maintenance. Not only did we struggle to make progress in these areas, but we were failing in a few as well. As we tried to uncover the root causes of the organization’s issues, we discovered a pattern that repeated itself. Once we started to work deliberately through one systemic issue, an emergency would come up in another area. While solving the second issue, inevitably, a third issue came up and our focus would change yet again. We were overwhelmed with the number of emergencies that popped up which made us extremely reactive and prevented us from getting after the root problems.  Furthermore, we were tripping over our shoe laces and couldn’t seem to get on our feet.

In hindsight, the pattern described above reflected a lack of focus.  We had to find a way to break out of this overwhelming cycle of reacting to emergencies in order to truly improve the organization.

Focusing on Everything Equates to Focusing on Nothing

The scenario described above demonstrates how attempting to react to urgent rather than important issues becomes problematic.[1] We tried to tackle nearly 100 different tasks a day, but we could truly only improve a few at any one time, realistically.

In an attempt to stop the madness, I listed out all of the areas of effort that were under my personal responsibility. The list consisted of 72 different items that ranged from administrative actions to logistics to the Family Readiness Group. Looking at the giant white board filled with 72 items, left little wonder as to why we felt overwhelmed. I knew there was no way any one could focus on 72 items simultaneously, nor would the organization be able to make any real headway in any one direction if we tried to juggle too much. If you try to focus on everything, then you really focus on nothing.

Simple Plan towards a Solution

Once we took the following five steps, we were able to make tremendous gains in problem areas:

  1. Identify the root cause of an issue rather than address the symptom
  2. Prioritize all tasks or areas of responsibility,
  3. Focus on those top priorities; choose the important over the urgent
  4. Temporarily assume risk on non-priority tasks in order to truly focus
  5. Ask your boss to provide top cover to shield your organization

Root cause

The danger to responding to an issue immediately off the cuff is that you are only addressing the problem at a superficial level. It takes some time, persistence, and curiosity to get to the root cause. When our organization struggled with vehicle maintenance, the issue initially seemed to be lack of compliance by subordinates, but proved to be a lack of institutional knowledge of processes when we looked beneath the surface.

Prioritization and Focus 

It was my opinion that we would be better off to focus on a few key items and make significant improvement in a few areas, than try to tackle almost everything with imperceptible change. I showed the list of 72 areas to my boss and highlighted 5 areas that I thought we should focus on. I selected the 5 areas that would most impact the organization. Admittedly, choosing 5 areas to focus on was an arbitrary number, but it was starting point to try to make real gains in the unit.

Top cover and assuming risk

Further I asked my boss for top cover to assume risk on the other 67 items. He approved the Top 5 list and agreed to provide top cover and demonstrate patience on the other areas. I wrote the top 5 on a 3×5 index card that I kept in my pocket. I warned my boss that if he gave me another task outside the scope of the Top 5 areas, that I would pull out the 3×5 card and ask him which of the Top 5 to deprioritize. He agreed to the plan.

Of the top 5 items we decided to focus on, the organization realistically gained traction in only three areas at any one time. Once we made sustained progress in the top 3 areas, we shifted focus to areas 4 and 5 on the list.


While the organization started off in disarray and struggled with executing routine things routinely, we were able to fix the culture by becoming intentional with our time and focus. Once we prioritized our responsibilities, focused on a select few, while consciously assuming risk in other areas, were we able to make significant progress in problem areas. Our organization went from being one of the worst in administrative actions, logistics, and maintenance to surpassing other battalions in the brigade and winning a Department of the Army level award.

Discussion Questions

  • In what ways are you and your organization overwhelmed?
  • What solutions have you found successful to avoid feeling overwhelmed?

Please take a minute to comment on the questions above.

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[1] Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less